Monday, September 22, 2008

Reasons why Are Tenant In Common Properties So Popular - Part 3

Also, since such form of co-ownership is not the same as owning a condominium or stock co-operative, this is yet another reason ascribed to why are tenant in common properties so popular. Thus, given the mounting costs of owning properties it should not come as any big surprise to learn that tenancy in common offers people a better chance to own properties and that this is also another reason why are tenant in common properties so popular.

In fact, co-ownership helps to lower the cost of owning the property and this in turn means that buyers have a lot more choice when it comes to owning properties and when certain number of people pool all of their resources together, they are in a better position to purchase better properties while also agreeing to allocate rights amongst themselves which in turn means that they can decide on how much responsibility they are going to shoulder.

Finally, the answer to why are tenant in common properties so popular lies in the fact that tenancy in common helps increase the sales price as well as offers more marketing options and given the introduction of ‘fractional loans’ this is one more reason as to why are tenant in common properties so popular.

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